Does YellowNYCTaxi.com work directly with drivers or cab companies?
No, we do not take affirmative steps to find lost property. Instead we offer an advanced online lost and found message board which helps connect lost property finders with passengers or drivers.
Does YellowNYCTaxi.com take affirmative steps to find lost property?
No, we provide an advanced online message board which allows drivers and passengers to reconnect. After a cab driver drop’s off, the next passenger is usually likely to find properties left in the back of a taxi.
Filing a claim cannot guarantee that you will find your parcles but, will increase your chance in targeting both
public audiences as well as taxicab drivers. -
Do you have a refund policy?
Yes, we want you to be 100% satisfied with your transaction at YellowNYCTaxi.com. Your satisfaction is our highest priority. If you are not satisfied please complete the following refund request form to receive a refund:
Do you have a 100% satisfaction guarantee?
Yes we do! We want you to be 100% satisfied with your transaction at YellowNYCTaxi.com. Your satisfaction is our highest priority. If you are not satisfied please submit the following refund request form to receive a full refund: