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Yellow NYC Taxi Lost and Found Service helps increase your chances of recovering your lost property that was left behind in a taxi cab. YellowNYCTaxi.com is a private blog about New York City Yellow Cab Taxis and is not affiliated with the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission. Individual results may vary
Ohh beautiful days ,love it ..America make U turn please and go back to golden days ..these old cabs brought us happiness
Ohh New York New York
come back,come back to me!
Everyday was a new day please don’t leave us!
New york ,I can’t forget your days when Everybody was happy!
Day night ,people coming going ,
Ohh your dreams all over the world !!
Ohh NY We need you back !dont force me out ,O love Says it all !
New york come back to us…..
If you can’t tip a cab driver don’t ride on one..
Taxis are now cheaper than uber inc. the tips.
All fleet service shops must be randomly inspected. I had to basically beg the ONE mechanic to change a bald front tire on my Camry. He said it was safe to go out, so I did. The next day (Sunday) before we had that huge downpour, I told him to change it again. He said it was fine. I then had to get the roadman to accompany me and tell him to change it. Maybe a surprise expose by the media would shake these dishonest and dangerous fleets up a bit.
I said ONE mechanic because that’s all who was working Sunday. One mechanic for a fleet of over 100 cabs. The garage is Arthur Cab AKA Ronart located on 41st Ave and Crescent Street in LIC.
never had issue with African Mecanics ,I trust them more then anybody else .they do real job..but others man ,make sure they tighten the bolts especially when they give you bad look and they can’t smile.laziest people should not be given any kind of job.
Even China gets it – China plans to limit the number of eligible ride-hailing vehicles and issue e-hail licenses. Local regulators are granted even more rights to regulate so called “ride-sharers”.
When will TLC wake up from its uber-hypnosis state?
Situation is absurd, and we have a regulatory body intentionally NOT regulating the industry.
Our airport fares are coming to an end soon. Hotel guests are taking uber to JFK for $45. I spoke with a doorman at a big hotel and almost all tourists are taking uber. I didnt get an airport all Sunday,last Sunday too. The days of LGA being stripped on Sundays are gone. Hoboken, gone, Jersey City,gone. JfK lot 100% all day today. Nothing but short rides on the streets at 80c a pop to us plus 5%cc fee. The iconic yellow cab will be a rare sight soon as drivers retire and their medallions go on the shelf. I saw it coming and got my money out. Should have gotten more. I will be walking in 18 months when my balloon is due. I will be 59 when I have to buy a wheelchair cab. Yeah sure I will buy it. Sell the West End Ave condo my mother left me and Florida here I come. Good luck fellas. Really a shame,a crime in fact. Not one person lifted a finger to help the yellow cabs. More and more regulations thats all we get.
A lot of money and legal motions where made but it’s a losing battle when your fighting a tech company that is backed by wall st., who has a 50 billion war chest.
I’m not convinced as yellow madallion is like gold and will come back if you hold on for a year or two
Regulators in Philly, St.Louis, Texas, and all over the world are taking Uber to court. TLC is doing nothing. TLC says Uber is not a taxi but then Uber advertises itself as taxi.
Is TLC blind? Stupid? Or Corrupt?
Investment firm is buying 1,720 taxis in Monreal. Taxelco investment firm. XPND Capital is also involved. Professional investors are realizing TAXIS are dirty cheap right now.
I don’t see my over regulated WCA taxi with an outrageous renewal fee, tax stamp,50c MTA surcharge worth an investors money. Maybe in other cities where cabbies are treated fairly but in NY with the TLC on us with new rules and anyone with an app can pick up forget it. Expect lots of forclousures. Here are cabs sitting Tuesday at 7 PM on McGuiness.
More photos
More idle cabs.
The ONLY way Uber gained a “competitive advantage” is by ignoring rules which apply to taxis.
It’s that simple. This is NOT about apps because taxis have apps (and had apps before Uber).
This is about Uber NOT competing by same rules making Joshi’s “compete” call pointless and misleading.
Have Uber follow SAME rules – then you will have fair competition.
Another myth is “regulatory gap”.
Definition of hail includes use of electronic devices.
It is in City by-laws publicly available for reading.
If you hail with an electronic device – that’s a HAIL.
Uber is violating NYC hail laws AND is not following
taxi rules. How simpler and clearer can this be??
Uber says it’s a taxi giant. But TLC says Uber is not a taxi….
Who is lying ?
Peter never has any good news!
Peter, Management companys saying only 10% of cabs not going out. How many cabs are ideal in that picture ?
I just saw a lot of cabs sitting and took pictures. I don’t know about percent or ideal. Just sharing what I saw. There were a lot of cabs parked I didn’t photograph.
Maybe the garage on McGuiness is doing worse than other fleets. It’s not in an easy area to get to.
Either way Uber is breaking laws. App or not – laws must prevail. If you write a banking app that doesn’t make you a bank! And if you claim so bank regulators will shut you down for non-compliance w/ FDIC and other banking laws/regulations. Problem is with TLC, Yassky (now consultant to Lyft) was forced to find a loophole – he DIDN’T – so he just let it slide. And since that erroneous TLC decision (slide) – NYC ended up with this whole ride-“sharing” mess. Even the word “ride-sharing” is wrong in the context it is being used in NYC. Anywhere, any direction, you look at Uber in NYC – it’s wrong wrong wrong.
Ubers cheap rides hurting both yellow, green and mta when will TLC and Mayor wake up?
Joshi said that TAXI and Uber are the same. So why doesn’t Uber pay for medallion? MTA tax? Disability? 50% wheelchair-accessible car? Etc etc etc. Total regulatory failure.
I see a lot of who I assume are yellow cab drivers complaining about Uber. There is one reason I take uber over YellowCab, The cars are nicer, the drivers are held accountable for their actions via a rating system and I have yet to get an uber driver that wasn’t courteous and helpful. I’ve had so many terrible yellow cab experiences due to drivers trying to scam me out of money by making up fake charges and not using their meters, the car being disgusting and dirty or the driver driving recklessly.
If you really want to face the facts and not die out, look at the experence Uber offers over cabs.
Boston Scewber Going To Do Prearranged Type Deals…NYCs Next….So That ITSELF Shows Its A HAIL in The Street In NYC Right NOW….!!!…..Black Car Groups Your Turn To FIGHT or CLOSE UP….
Why cab drivers are treated like mentally sick people?how come you give it away for free for uber I mean your driving experience ..you should get credit for your experience..why uber treat you like an old chicken..giving you same commission and rules as a new drivers who doesn’t know where penn station is locate at..are you stupid or brain dead.stop driving for any garbage out there and come out to streets and lock it out and be like real humans…we are not for sale assholez…both yellow green and uber must pay the negligence and exploitation of dead brain drivers…apps don’t drive ,computers don’t drive ,,we humans drive ,fuck¥**you tlc.its july now and heat polution is killing drivers..tell your fucking app to drive the grabage dusty cars and pickup craziest people on the planet….get out ,,stay home ,enjoy your seawater ,don’t drive for any ass…drive a truck buss limo ,just get out of uber and taxi now….there no money to give your mom just stay home you dead brain.
Iam the app ,Iam the car ,Iam the traffic,Iam the one getting tickets,Iam the one spit at by passengers and pedestrians,Iam the one getting back pain and organ failure,Iam the on who can’t sleep,Iam the one sucks all tlc rules,Iam the one who pay life time expenses Iam the one who drive not app ,Iam the one who at risk of dying of an accident,Iam the one who fears crushes ,Iam the who engages with passengers not app ,Iam everything,,and I would say to all yellow and uber drivers just ditch your gps and iphones or any smart device in red wine and start driving like a man ..break them apart ,cut wires and tell tlc go kill yourselves ..America is dead ,America is pooor,America is ignorant,America is cheap,America is finished by unqualified politicians and mayors and education system and immigration rules and so on ,,we need someone as president who can bring back the old America and clean American offices from germs who know nothing about hard working Americans…all factories are closed,Americans cant by a house nor go to college,it doesn’t mean you build a smart app doesn’t mean you can slave drivers ,let kick them out soon ,,I can’t wait to dirch all these ehails in hudson river..cut them off ,fight them hard ,,they steal our money and future ..Ehail app must sell their tech to taxi owners not to them selves .
Why are you driving taxi or uber what’s goes into your mind Mrs driver!!
The more you drive the more medallion gets expensive and the commission gets higher ..this means you are destroying your own life just by driving,it’s impossible to make any clean money out there ,in addition to all this your health is at the highest risk more than any job out there in America,..you drivers must see the first generation who had it open free no gps no headack ,who made cash only while working..see them now ,talk to them ,they will say get off and go find a real work .keep in your mind driver that your heath will be destroyed by sitting and inhale toxins from exhausts ..be smarter and don’t drive for free .you may work 100 year driving for assholes and you not gonna make 10$ ..see how much you give and how much you take ..one day you get tired sick can’t work and you will blame yourself because you work for free ,driving for assholes is just waist of life .they pay no taxes ,no retirement,no health care !no sick days,nothing,,you brain thinks one day you gonna make money but pain …you drive around from airports,pickup tourists ,criminals and drung druged people and risk it for nothing but all that money you got from hell will go to your land lord and medication,,,driver!!
You work in hell …Europ canda they work 35 hours a week with holidays in summer and they can afford to buy a house and what they need for themselves …do a favor for yourselves hummar that gps and iphones to death .and don’t drive for anyone for free .be like human not animal..never exceed 5% commission For uber because getting a passenger is same as credit card transaction fee .
Don’t drive taxi for more than 55$ a shift or leave the cab take sun shower . The most important get out of this dirty business.telk your friends family ,new immigrants,don’t encourage any human being to come in drive and loose his hole life ..enmates live better than taxi drivers today.
Securing a passenger trip is like securing and client credit card transaction .therefore commission should not exceed 5% ..no matter what kind tech you are using ..because we are the ones driving over pathholes not your app.
To Uber propaganda department, it’s not about niceness – it’s about you breaking laws.
A legal battle to rid Freedom Taxi of one of its owners is hitting the cab company and its drivers hard, as “New York Taxi King” Evegeny “Gene” Freidman allegedly diverted more than $1.6 million meant for the Philly-based company’s coffers and its employees’ paychecks into his own accounts, according to a lawsuit filed in Philadelphia.
Everett Abitbol splits ownership of Freedom Taxi – distinguished by its maroon and light blue colored vehicles – with Freidman, who is accused of misappropriating the funds from the shared company as his cab operations faced financial trouble in New York.
In a civil lawsuit filed in the Philadelphia Court of Common Please, an attorney for Abitbol says Freidman created “ghost driver” accounts with the credit card processing company that provides payroll cards, essentially prepaid debit cards, to those drivers who opt to receive their paychecks this way.
Freidman allegedly created the “ghost driver” accounts in his own name, and the names of his mother, father, son and girlfriend, as well as other key employees. Abitbol even discovered a fake debit card account had been created in his own name which he cancelled before it was put to use, the lawsuit said.
Funds collected by actual drivers throughout their shift was then “siphoned away from Freedom Taxi and into debit cards used for unrelated purposes,” court records show.
If true, the allegations not only mean Freidman pilfered his own company, he also took money out of the hands of drivers.
“He’s a spoiled, arrogant soul,” said Ronald Blount, the president of the Taxi Workers Alliance of Pennsylvania.
While drivers are able to keep whatever cash fares collected, minus the lease fee owed to Freedom, payments made with credit cards are reconciled at the end of their shift.
Blount said around 100 drivers have reported issues receiving full pay for their work.
Abitbol put the figure at 90, saying at least that many of Freedom’s 200 cabs had their credit card machines’ accounts switched so the funds didn’t end up on the actual drivers’ payroll card, but in Freidman’s “ghost” accounts.
“The fact that there are drivers out there missing money, that’s what bothers me,” said Abitbol, who said he had to take the 90 cabs out of service but expects to have the full fleet operational within the next few months.
“I’m the son of a taxi driver,” Abitbol continued. “My main objective is getting these drivers their money.”
He filed the lawsuit in April to rid the company of co-owner Freidman, and turn ownership completely over to an entity solely connected to Abibtol.
The lawsuit also accuses Freidman of moving funds out of Freedom’s bank accounts and into the accounts of the New York businessman’s other entities, causing the local taxi company to bounce checks and forcing Abitbol to cover payroll with his personal money. Further claims include the misappropriation of at least $500,000 in advertising sales and forging Abitbol’s name on official documents related to Freidman’s other cab businesses, which exposes Freedom to those companies’ financial risks.
Attempts were made to reach Freidman by phone and email, and none were returned. An attorney representing Freidman withdrew from the case Monday; he did not return phone calls requesting comment. No other lawyer for the defendant was listed in court documents.
An independent monitor is already watching the New York business dealings of Freidman, who owns more than 800 medallions for cabs in the Big Apple.
The New York Attorney General ordered the monitor after the taxi mogul failed to make good on a 2013 lawsuit involving money owed to drivers in that state.
No decision has been made on the Philadelphia case, which is currently deferred.
“I think everyone is awaiting the day of justice,” Abibtol said.
“I think everyone is awaiting the day of justice” -a veiled reference to Uber’s lawlessness.
WCA drivers won’t be getting any WCA fares. Uber just waiting for fleet to be 50%WCA then uber will get WCA cars and group ride and charge less. All those WCA cabs empty. Uber knows it eventually will have to provide the service but will provide the service with its own rules. TLC rules will be for empty cabs. Uber beats yellow to the punch every time.
Don’t worry all is not lost, the movies will still use yellows as props.
Expect more brokers to join Montauk as medallions go in storage and forclosure. Uber with help from the TLC are going to be closing in soon. New TLC mandates on way. And it ain’t gonna be good. Good for uber not yellow. Black boxes? What else?
Why do you guys keep plugging for uber to make an MTA charge. We are the only suckers paying it. It should be done away with for all.
Soon Peter will be the only one driving yellow.
Not giving up yet.
Hi I am a TV production coordinator and looking for a YELLOW CAB that reminds you a “GOOD OLD DAYS” not TOYOTA, the great American Taxi in New York Manhattan Area for next couple days.
Hi I am a TV production coordinator and looking for a YELLOW CAB that reminds you a “GOOD OLD DAYS” not TOYOTA, the great American Taxi in New York Manhattan Area for next couple days. Contact me at 310-720-4566