Danny Torres (right) and his wife Yashira Guzman with their baby girl.
It doesn’t just happen in the movies: Sometimes babies really are born in taxis.
A beautiful baby girl was born in the backseat of a yellow taxi as the cab arrived at Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital in the East Village.
The day started just as any other, when Yashira Guzman, 30, started to have contractions around 8am. Her neighbor was able to flag down a taxi and Yashira and soon-to-be-dad Danny Torres were quickly on their way to the hospital.
When the cab pulled up to the front of the hospital, Guzman stood up, but immediately realized that the baby wasn’t going to wait another minute.
Torres eased his wife back into the taxi and little 7-pound 4-ounce Darly Luz Torres was born, a mere 25 minutes after her contractions began.
Dad was surprisingly prepared for the eventful birth as he had asked questions about this very situation during their Lamaze classes.
“It was funny enough that I, thank God, asked that question,” he said. “That kept me calm.
The couple said that taxi driver Mrittumjoy Saha, 40, was the best cab driver for the emergency situation. “He was calm, calm, calm. No emotion on his face, no anger, no desperation. I’ve never been in a cab in New York City that was driven this good. He didn’t even want to touch a pothole.”
Saha stated that his own wife is pregnant with their second child and while he was feeling both excited and nervous, he told himself to drive very carefully.
Due to his level of calmness, he will get to meet Taxi and Limousine Commission Meera Joshi, who stated, “We’re also so gratified to hear that Mr. Saha was such a comfort and help to the family, and we look forward to thanking him in person sometime soon.”
By Samantha
YellowCabNYCTaxi.com Staff Writer
So Joshifier goin give big presentation commendation to cabbie help deliver
How about a yellow cabbie gets commended for driving people from A to B all day long, making 100s of good decisions to give smooth ride to passengers. All kinds of helpful hints,loadng unloading luggage with care, reminding riders to take their luggage, etc., returning valuable possessions. Millions of niceties all day long giving to the taxi riding public. How about some accolades.
Soon taxi drivers will have to become MDs and RNs. I suppose if the taxi driver could do brain surgry on the rider, he might eventually be able to program a bigger tip in the brain.
it is only the yellow taxi driver who gets commended when providing services that are not their jobs. No commendation for doing their jobs. A big commendation for some taxi driver who by stroke of luck goes ticket-free or accident-free for an unusual period of time. Try driving 12 hours ad ay in NYC and get ticket-free, accident-free record. Not really possible.
The PUBLIC WANTS IT croons Joshifier, croons Queens judge — well as one poster said, public wants drug-dealers every corner but not going to get them. Or that other one, people in hell want ice water but they ain’t getting it.
I’m celebrating my 75th Birthday on 02/21/18.
I was born in a taxi outside of St. Clare’s Hospital in NYC.